Saturday, March 19, 2016

A Palestinian Wedding

                                         A Palestinian Wedding

What do you see, through and through?
what clues to hear?
colors and hues that run,
amid murmurs of a son,
sent chasing none
across a cosmic silence
but he, who flew
for-ever here...and
always near, can't you see?  
beyond the burnt darkness,
beyond its lost lights
and its hidden sights,
or that stubborn credence.
This is a wedding like no other,
a Palestinian treading
of sorrow and joy...
together, but of stolen space
and time...borrowed and disjoint,
only here and now, its their own
their grace, and their unknown.
For now all is here
in a distant near,
save he...their prime, and she...
his pride, can't you see?
its like no other.
Smell the thyme
and taste the sweet
for she and he...
unlike you and me,
are close yet unreached
there, on that pedestal
brighter than real
and stronger than now
or how, where their time is null
and their space...
may mull and choose
to be theirs, as their being,
once again in unspoken vows,
in silence, just like this Palestinian wedding,
neither near or whole,
and never ours to trace,
only once is theirs to hold
or for-ever lose.